User Guide

The CLI tool that automates setups and installing components.


The CLI doesn't need to install any extra packages, but It needs Fumadocs Core for minimal setup.

You can initialize a config for CLI.

npx fumadocs config

It defines the output paths of components.


Select and install components.

npx fumadocs add

You can pass component names.

npx fumadocs add banner files

How the magic works?

The CLI fetches the latest version of component from the GitHub repository of Fumadocs. When you install the component, it is guaranteed to be up-to-date.

In addition, it also transforms import paths. Make sure to use the latest version of CLI

This is highly Inspired by Shadcn UI.


Generate files tree for Fumadocs UI Files component, using the tree command from your terminal.

npx fumadocs tree ./my-dir ./output.tsx

You can output MDX file too:

npx fumadocs tree ./my-dir ./output.mdx

See help for further details:

npx fumadocs tree -h

Example Output

import { File, Folder, Files } from 'fumadocs-ui/components/files';
export default (
    <Folder name="app">
      <File name="layout.tsx" />
      <File name="page.tsx" />
      <File name="global.css" />
    <Folder name="components">
      <File name="button.tsx" />
      <File name="tabs.tsx" />
      <File name="dialog.tsx" />
    <File name="package.json" />

Initialize Features

Some features of Fumadocs require copying code to get started, it is similar to codemod but for configuring features automatically.

npx fumadocs init

Please note that some features may change your existing code, make sure to commit your changes to Git before running it.

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