Source API

Turn a content source into a unified interface


Source API is a helper to load file-system based content sources, it offers a unified interface to integrate content sources with Fumadocs.

What it does?

  • Generate page trees based on file system
  • Generate Urls and slugs based on file path
  • Output useful utilities to search or walk over files

It doesn't rely on the real file system (zero node:fs usage), a virtual storage is also allowed.

You can use it with built-in content sources like Fumadocs MDX.

import { createMDXSource } from 'fumadocs-mdx';
import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
export const source = loader({
  source: createMDXSource(docs, meta),

The output page tree strictly follows Page Conventions.

Base URL

The loader generates a URL for each page, you can override the default base URL.

import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
  baseUrl: '/docs',


Load the icon property specified by pages and meta files.

import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
import { icons } from 'lucide-react';
import { createElement } from 'react';
  icon(icon) {
    if (!icon) {
      // You may set a default icon
    if (icon in icons) return createElement(icons[icon as keyof typeof icons]);


Pass the i18n config to loader.

import { i18n } from '@/lib/i18n';
import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
export const source = loader({

With i18n enabled, loader will generate a page tree for every locale.

When looking for a page, it fallbacks to default locale if the page doesn't exist for specified locale.


The loader outputs a source object.

Get Page

Get page with slugs.

import { source } from '@/lib/source';
source.getPage(['slug', 'of', 'page']);
// with i18n
source.getPage(['slug', 'of', 'page'], 'locale');

Get Pages

Get a list of page available for locale.

import { source } from '@/lib/source';
// from default locale
// for a specific locale

Page Tree

import { source } from '@/lib/source';
// without i18n
// with i18n

Get from Node

The page tree nodes contain references to their original file path. You can find their original page or meta file from the tree nodes.

import { source } from '@/lib/source';


A function to generate output for Next.js generateStaticParams. The generated parameter names will be slug: string[] and lang: string (i18n only).

import { source } from '@/lib/source';
export function generateStaticParams() {
  return source.generateParams();

Language Entries

Get available languages and its pages.

import { source } from '@/lib/source';
// language -> pages
const entries = source.getLanguages();

Deep Dive

As mentioned, Source API doesn't rely on real file systems. During the process, your input source files will be parsed and form a virtual storage to avoid inconsistent behaviour between different OS.

Root Directory

Filter the input files by its parent directory.

import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
  rootDir: 'test',

Content sources only provide a virtual file path to the loader (like test/index.mdx). Relative paths such as ./ and ../ are not supported.

Be Careful

This is not equivalent to your content directory configured on content source (e.g. Fumadocs MDX dir option). Please use relevant options on your source instead.


To perform virtual file-system operations before processing, you can add a transformer.

import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
  transformers: [
    ({ storage }) => {

Page Tree

The page tree is generated from your file system, using the Page Tree Builder. It also filters out some unnecessary information (e.g. unused frontmatter properties).

To customise the process, use the pageTree option. You can attach custom properties to page tree nodes, like customising the display name of pages and folders.

import React from 'react';
import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
  pageTree: {
    attachFile(node, file) {
      // you can access its file information
      // JSX nodes are allowed = <>Some JSX Nodes here</>;
      return node;

Custom Source

To plug your own content source, create a Source object.

It includes a files property which is an array of virtual files. Each virtual file must contain its file path and corresponding data. You can check type definitions for more info.

Since Source API doesn't rely on file system, file paths cannot be absolute or relative (for example, ./file.mdx and D://content/file.mdx are not allowed). Instead, pass the file paths like file.mdx and content/file.mdx.

import { Source } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
export function createMySource(): Source<{
  metaData: { title: string; pages: string[] }; // Your custom type
  pageData: { title: string; description: string }; // Your custom type
}> {
  return {
    files: [],
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