

The performance of Fumadocs MDX


Fumadocs MDX is a bundler plugin, in other words, it has a higher performance bottleneck. With bundlers like Webpack and Turbopack, it is enough for large docs sites with nearly 500+ MDX files, which is sufficient for almost all docs sites.

Since Fumadocs MDX works with your bundler, you can import any files including client components in your MDX files. This allows a high flexibility and ensures everything is optimized by default.

Image Optimization

Fumadocs MDX resolves images into static imports with Remark Image. Therefore, your images will be optimized automatically by the Next.js Image API.

or in public folder


import HelloImage from './hello.png';
<img alt="Hello" src={HelloImage} />



Although Fumadocs MDX can handle nearly 500+ files, you are recommended to use other alternatives when the amount of MDX files exceeds 400. A huge amount of MDX files can cause an extremely high memory usage during build and development mode.

This is because of:

  • Bundlers do a lot of work under the hood to bundle MDX and JavaScript files and optimize performance.
  • Bundlers are not supposed to compile hundreds of MDX files.


Remote Source

Remote sources don't need to pre-compile MDX files, it can compile them on-demand with SSG which can highly increase your build speed. However, you cannot use import in MDX files anymore.

See Custom Source for configuring remote sources.

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